07.12.2020 – ONLINE: What you always wanted to know about price negotiation but were afraid to ask

This is a negotiation course, based on a case study combined with a roleplay.

In the role of a buyer or a seller you will negotiate the price for a filmscript. Ensuing the roleplay we will analyize step-by-step the different aspects of such negotiations. We discuss how to prepare for and execute negotiations systematically.

This course at EAVE producer’s workshop 2020 with me will take 2 hours only. The course will be provided twice, online via ZOOM, for small groups of 14 – 16 participants on December 7, 2020. This further training is for international film and media procducers.

It is part of the training that was scheduled in Croatia Dec 5-12, 2020. Will be Online instead of

Participants will receive a preparatory briefing one day prior to the course.

European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs, EAVE,

is a professional training, project development and networking organization for audiovisual producers. A year long programme focused on three intensive weeks featuring professional development through working on the development of fiction, documentary and TV series projects. Working with a worldwide network of partners we are involved in programmes for producers in Europe, Russia, Latin America, the Arab world, Asia and Africa. More on https://eave.org/about