When one follows the Harvard studies conducted by the sociologist Deborah Tannen (Who Gets Heard And Why), then a trend emerges whereby men and women have differing forms of communication behaviour that is conditioned by society.
That can often be seen in negotiations. Unfortunately, frequently in a negative form. This is because neither genders are consciously aware of the differences – nor have they ever learnt how to productively deal with this issue.
In daily life we negotiate on numerous occasions: for prices, projects,our own needs and many more. When we take a systematic approach to negotiation we will be able to close deals at our own terms.
Over the course of this seminar, we will be focussing on concrete strategies and tactics, which strengthen our negotiation competencies as women – in male-dominated contexts too.
With the aid of film scenes we will sharpen our view of negotiation situations: How emotions can steer one and where traps lie. We will test our skills through dialogues and a role play.
Learning objectives
After completing this workshop, you will be able to:
- Understand your negotiation style, its strengths and weaknesses
- Understand the psychology of influence, based on five key factors
- Learn how to turn uncooperative partners around
- Use insights from the FBI and the latest neuroscientific research to deal with stressful negotiations
- Learn strategies and tactics – such as agenda setting and deadlocks – for flexible acting.
Duration 1-Day, 10:00 – 18:00 o’clock
Target group: Full-time students of the EBS University, student members of the EBS Alumni Association. Application on the homepage of the EBS Alumni Association.